Many individuals rank having their own home, either via construction or acquisition, as their most important life goal. It is a significant accomplishment to get to the point where you can call yourself a homeowner. It is an indication that you have progressed to a place in your life where you are financially secure enough to be able to purchase a home of your very own. A number of well-known people, including those listed below, can attest to that. Some celebrities were able to purchase their own homes after years of working away in their chosen fields in order to save sufficient funds for their lifelong ambitions.
Have a look at the following famous people who are actively working toward making their dreams come true.
Five Young Celebrities Building Their Dream Homes
Barbie Forteza

One of the most important things you can do to improve your financial situation is to become organized and invest your money strategically. Choosing the right investments may result in significant payoffs in the long run, as shown by Barbie Forteza’s story. The star of “Maria Clara at Ibarra” planned ahead with her finances over the long term, and as a result, she is currently in the preliminary planning phases of having her ideal house constructed. Barbie also posted the video on Instagram with the caption, “Dear self, I am so proud of you.” “Keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t forget to have fun while you’re at it,” she said.
Kathryn Bernardo

Kathryn Bernardo, who is recognized as one of the most prominent figures in Filipino show business, has accomplished a great deal in both her professional and personal lives. Yet the fact that she was eventually able to start building her new house in Antipolo was probably one of the most significant accomplishments she has accomplished. In 2016, Kathryn made the first purchase of the property in order to build a house for her mother and father, Teddy and Min. There is no question in our minds that Kath’s next home will be an aesthetic paradise given her well-known preferences in interior design.
Francine Diaz

For many people, the ultimate objective is to be able to provide their parents with their very own house. That’s another one of Francine Diaz’s goals that she can now proudly declare she’s accomplished. The Gen Z actress had such a good performing career that she was able to provide for her family by purchasing a house and a car for them. In addition, Francine has her eyes set on buying a second house in the near future. Francine disclosed to Karen Davilla earlier this year, during an interview that she had conducted with her, that she is now putting money aside in order to purchase a larger house for her family. “Siguro [yung pangarap ko] bigger house pa kasi marami kami tapos lumalaki pa ‘yung mga bata,” Francine explained. A beautiful kid who also happens to be an accomplished actress is something that warms our hearts.
Justin De Dios

SB19’s journey from poverty to riches is inspirational. Despite the fact that the band was first considered a joke, they have since grown to become the most successful P-pop group in the country and are gradually establishing their reputation in other parts of the world. And as a direct result of their achievements, the boys are now able to enjoy the more exquisite aspects of life, such as Justin, whose brand-new house is presently in the process of being built. Given how diligently he worked with the other members of SB19, this accomplishment is well deserved.
Donny Pangilinan

Donny Pangilinan, who is just in his early 20s, can declare that he is a proud homeowner, which is something that not many people his age have been able to do. When it comes to real estate, he is no novice; not only does he own his own residence, but he has also remodeled a piece of the house his parents now live in. Nevertheless, the actor took things to the next level when he disclosed on Instagram that he is in the process of constructing his ideal home, which he affectionately refers to as Casa Donato. Hopefully, he’ll provide a home tour on his YouTube channel once it opens.
Tips and Tricks: How You Can Start Building Your Dream Home
Find the Ideal Location
It’s time to look for some land. To make things more manageable, choose where you’d like to settle and conduct some preliminary research on housing in that general area. Do your research on the property’s historical sales, as well as its development record and similar listings. Take this into consideration while you work on your proposal.
Make it a point to provide your builder the opportunity to share their thoughts on the matter. They may consider the lovely flat land you have chosen as a potential flood zone. Having a builder take a look at the land can help you figure out things like whether you have enough space for your home, how steep the terrain is, whether there will be any water problems, where you should put any trees, and so on.
Match Your Home to Your Lifestyle
Assess your way of living. How do you spend your time, and what essentials do you have at home to make it a place of comfort for you? Have you considered getting your own personal leisure area? Or how about a home library? Or maybe a pool? Make a list of the things you desire to have in a house, as well as the things you really need to live comfortably. You might use this as a helpful guide in the process of creating the home of your dreams.
Start Saving and Budgeting
A house is a huge financial commitment, so you should start saving as soon as possible. Saving is a way to be ready for the costs of home construction or purchase. You need to ensure that you will really do something toward realizing your goal and not simply daydream about it. Your ideal home will remain a dream if you do nothing but daydream about it. Saving money is a great first step.
Create a budget to keep track of the project’s expenditures if you believe you have saved enough money. Get the advice of experts like architects and civil engineers to acquire a precise estimate of how much your ideal home would cost. If you haven’t saved up enough money for it yet, you may always look into alternative options for financing it.
Assemble Your Dream Team
The right people are the foundation for the appropriate house. It is possible that some people would advise you to discover the land first and then construct it, but there are other schools of thought that state you need to have professionals in place before you choose the spot.
It’s usually advisable to choose your builder first unless you’ve inherited property or have bought a lot. Getting a lot and/or hiring an architect first, as is commonly assumed, is usually the most expensive option. You may discuss your plans and discover the ideal location of a competent builder.
If you’re looking for a reliable home builder, consider the following advice:
- First, you should look around and make a list of reliable local construction companies. You may check out the classifieds in the local paper or on real estate websites online.
- Think about the house designs and price ranges they offer to make sure they fit your needs.
- Talk to a reliable real estate agent for additional reference assistance.
- Take into account the contractor’s level of expertise. How long have they been in operation as a business? Do they have a license and proof of insurance? Take care to ensure that you are asking the appropriate questions.
- Discuss your project in detail with the builder at a casual in-person meeting. Inquire about their preferred method, whether or not they collaborate closely with architects and interior designers, the details of their cost estimates and budgets, the makeup of their project teams, the length of their timetable projections, and more.
Create a Timeline
Put out of your mind everything you may have seen on HGTV. The construction of a house built to the customer’s specifications takes time — also patience.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it typically takes eight months to construct a new house. Permitting, building, inspecting, and dealing with delays caused by things like poor weather or a lack of materials are all part of the process.
It makes sense that the length of time it takes to build a house goes up in direct proportion to how customized it is, so people who are short on time should probably choose a less complicated layout.
The process of constructing your ideal house from the ground up is one that is filled with adventure and complexity since it involves a million distinct activities. Although some of the processes may be anticipated, others just cannot be. Throughout the whole process of constructing a house, there will always be a variety of factors.
If you’ve read thus far, it should be obvious to you by now that you can take an active part in the design of the house of your dreams. You do not have to depend only on expert architects and construction firms, nor should you!
- Bautista, R. (2022, September 28). Life Goals: 9 Gen Z Stars Who Are Currently Building Their Dream Homes.
- Pennies, V. @ P. (2022, July 7). 7 Tips to Keep in Mind While You Plan Your Dream Home. Posh Pennies.
- Gabriel, L. (2021, April 19). Guide to building your dream house: What to expect step by step. PODS Moving and Storage Blog.
- 10 Steps in Building Your Dream Home. (2013, May 22). Home Design Lover.