DPWH: New Road To 2,870-Hectare Coffee Plantation In Cebu Nears Completion - Pinoy Builders

DPWH: New Road To 2,870-Hectare Coffee Plantation In Cebu Nears Completion

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Cebu, Philippines – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has announced that the Alegria-Bangkito Road Project, aimed at improving access to the expansive 2,870-hectare Kabangkalan Coffee Plantation, is nearing completion. This significant infrastructure project is expected to facilitate more convenient travel and economic development in Barangay Alegria and Barangay Bangkito, Tuburan.


DPWH Regional Office 7 Director Ernesto S. Gregorio, Jr. provided an update on the project’s progress, stating that it is 90% complete and on track to be finished by July 2024.


Image from DPWH


 “The unpaved barangay road, located on rugged mountain terrain, becomes muddy and slippery during inclement weather, posing a challenge and danger for motorists,” said Director Gregorio.


Coffee First: Building the Road 

The Alegria-Bangkito Road Project involves constructing a 2.2-kilometer unpaved barangay road, designed to support a 2-lane traffic flow. Significant construction efforts include the installation of four stations of reinforced concrete pipe culvert (RCPC) cross drainage, along with slope protection structures, headwalls, and stone masonry road parapets. These enhancements are crucial for ensuring the road’s durability and safety, particularly in the challenging terrain it traverses.


According to DPWH Regional Office 7 Director Ernesto S. Gregorio, Jr., the project is on track to be finished by July 2024. In his update to DPWH Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan, Director  Gregorio highlighted the significant progress made by the Cebu 3rd District Engineering Office in overcoming the project’s challenges.


Upon completion, the Alegria-Bangkito Road Project will markedly improve travel conditions for motorists and residents. The new road will provide enhanced access to the Kabangkalan Coffee Plantation and facilitate smoother transport of goods and services. This will be a significant boon for farmers, businesses, tourists, and local residents, fostering economic and social benefits in Barangays Alegria and Bangkito.


Image from Daily Guardian


The new road is expected to catalyze economic growth and development in the region. Improved infrastructure will attract more tourists to the scenic and agricultural sites of Tuburan, boosting local tourism. Furthermore, better road access will enhance agricultural productivity by allowing easier transport of coffee and other local products. This project is anticipated to improve the quality of life by providing better access to essential goods and services.


Improving Logistics in Cebu

The Alegria-Bangkito Road Project is a significant investment, costing P96.50 million. Funding for this project comes from the 2023 General Appropriations Act (GAA). The substantial financial support underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing infrastructure in rural areas, promoting economic development, and improving living conditions for local communities.


The Alegria-Bangkito Road Project is a vital development for Cebu, promising to transform travel and economic conditions in Barangays Alegria and Bangkito. As the project nears its anticipated completion in July 2024, residents and stakeholders eagerly await the numerous benefits it will bring. Enhanced access, economic growth, and improved quality of life are just a few of the positive outcomes expected from this significant infrastructure initiative.

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